Solar Nexus Pro

Conecte su ecosistema

The Solar Nexus Pro cloud-based data analytics platform features a powerful API for client users and partner integrations.

Solar Nexus Pro API

You can connect Solar Nexus Pro with your company’s existing software tools such as CMMS, invoicing, asset management, or BI reporting platform. The Solar Nexus Pro API allows you to share data seamlessly with third-party systems and providers, helping you to focus on what brings value to your business.



Solar Nexus Pro API is multi-sensor, multi-energy, and multi-plant. You can fetch multiple datasets on a heterogeneous portfolio using a single query. You can automate routine operations, run complex and advanced statistical analytics, and perform informed decision-making.

Fácil de usar


Following the JSON:API standards, Solar Nexus Pro API is user-friendly. Online documentation, tutorials, and a developer portal are available 24/7 to help users (beginners or experts) get started.


Solar Nexus Pro API is designed to be under constant evolution. Regular product developments and updated online documentation would be at your disposal.